Traefik for the Beginners
In this post, I will explain you how to setup and test traefik. The level of this howto is beginner 😄
In the next episodes, you will see how to use more traefik’s capabilities.
What is traefik ?
Copied from the documentation : Træfik (pronounced like traffic) is a modern HTTP reverse proxy and load balancer made to deploy microservices with ease.
You will find more informations on the Traefik website.
And don’t forget the documentation
Setup your environment
First we need to allow our containers to speak to each other. So we will create un docker network :
$ docker network create test
Next, we will download the traefik image :
$ docker pull traefik:1.5-alpine 1.5-alpine: Pulling from library/traefik Digest: sha256:5c45266c0394d74f4e55ecc3bc7f223ff34656bfa0891d4abc53bdb88b8f69bc Status: Image is up to date for traefik:1.5-alpine
Note: as the time of writing, the latest stable version was 1.5.
Launch traefik
$ docker run --rm -p 80:80 -p 8080:8080 -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock --network test traefik:1.5-alpine \
--api --loglevel=debug --entryPoints="Name:http Address::80" \
--docker --docker.endpoint="unix:///var/run/docker.sock"
You will see something like this :
time="2018-05-04T14:13:39Z" level=info msg="Traefik version v1.5.4 built on 2018-03-15_01:35:21PM"
time="2018-05-04T14:13:39Z" level=info msg="
Stats collection is disabled.
Help us improve Traefik by turning this feature on :)
More details on:
time="2018-05-04T14:13:39Z" level=debug msg="Global configuration loaded {"LifeCycle":{"RequestAcceptGraceTimeout":0,"GraceTimeOut":10000000000},"GraceTimeOut":0,"Debug":false,"CheckNewVersi
time="2018-05-04T14:13:39Z" level=info msg="Preparing server http &{Network: Address::80 TLS:<nil> Redirect:<nil> Auth:<nil> WhitelistSourceRange:[] Compress:false ProxyProtocol:<nil> Forwar
dedHeaders:0xc4205e0440} with readTimeout=0s writeTimeout=0s idleTimeout=3m0s"
time="2018-05-04T14:13:39Z" level=info msg="Preparing server traefik &{Network: Address::8080 TLS:<nil> Redirect:<nil> Auth:<nil> WhitelistSourceRange:[] Compress:false ProxyProtocol:<nil> F
orwardedHeaders:0xc4205e0560} with readTimeout=0s writeTimeout=0s idleTimeout=3m0s"
time="2018-05-04T14:13:39Z" level=info msg="Starting server on :80"
time="2018-05-04T14:13:39Z" level=info msg="Starting server on :8080"
time="2018-05-04T14:13:39Z" level=info msg="Starting provider *docker.Provider {"Watch":true,"Filename":"","Constraints":null,"Trace":false,"DebugLogGeneratedTemplate":false,"Endpoint":"unix
time="2018-05-04T14:13:39Z" level=debug msg="Provider connection established with docker 18.03.0-ce (API 1.37)"
time="2018-05-04T14:13:39Z" level=debug msg="Filtering container with empty frontend rule /musing_kalam"
time="2018-05-04T14:13:39Z" level=debug msg="Configuration received from provider docker: {}"
time="2018-05-04T14:13:39Z" level=info msg="Server configuration reloaded on :80"
time="2018-05-04T14:13:39Z" level=info msg="Server configuration reloaded on :8080"
Now i will explain you all the options:
- -p 80:80 : expose the port 80 for our test
- -p 8080:8080 : traefik use the port 8080 for it’s API dashboard
- -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock : traefik needs to acces the docker socket, so mount it in the container
- –network test : use the network previously created
- –api : tells traefik to enable it’s api dashboard
- –loglevel=debug : easy to understand 😏
- –entryPoints=“Name:http Address::80” : tells traefik to listen on port 80 (more about Entrypoints here )
- –docker : enable the Docker backend (you have another backends : Consul, ECS, Etcd, Rancher, etc)
- –docker.endpoint=“unix:///var/run/docker.sock” : tells traefik where is the docker socket
Now go to http://localhost:8080 and you will see something like this:
They look empty but it’s normal 😏
Use traefik with Nginx
Now that traefik is up and running, we will launch a nginx container and tell traefik to redirect the http traffic to it.
Download the Nginx image :
$ docker pull nginx:latest latest: Pulling from library/nginx f2aa67a397c4: Pull complete 3c091c23e29d: Pull complete 4a99993b8636: Pull complete Digest: sha256:0fb320e2a1b1620b4905facb3447e3d84ad36da0b2c8aa8fe3a5a81d1187b884 Status: Downloaded newer image for nginx:latest ```
Launch the Nginx container :
$ docker run –rm –network test –label traefik.backend=nginx1
–label traefik.port=80 –label traefik.frontend.rule=“Host:test.pea”
–label traefik.frontend.entryPoints=http
The explanations :
* *--network test* : use the network previously created
* *--label traefik.backend=nginx1* : give the name nginx1 to the generated backend for it's container
* *--label traefik.port=80* : tells traefik that this container is listening on port 80
* *--label traefik.frontend.rule="Host:test.pea"* : it's a *matcher* for traefik. It tells traefik that your container answer to the requests addressed to *pea.test*. More about *matchers* [here](
* *--label traefik.frontend.entryPoints=http* : tells traefik to use the EntryPoint http for this container
Watch the traefik’s logs :
time=“2018-05-04T15:05:34Z” level=debug msg=“Provider event received {Status:start ID:9ee699bff39ff7339cf1f024e3a2009609ff7dc55b2d1bb50ace5a60a6cc2daa From:nginx:latest Type:container Action:start Actor:{ID:9ee699bff39ff7339cf1f024e3a2009609ff7dc55b2d1bb50ace5a60a6cc2daa Attributes:map[image:nginx:latest maintainer:NGINX Docker Maintainers name:reverent_sammet traefik.backend:nginx1 traefik.frontend.entryPoints:http traefik.frontend.rule:Host:test.pea traefik.port:80]} Scope:local Time:1525446334 TimeNano:1525446334795866332}” time=“2018-05-04T15:05:34Z” level=debug msg=“Filtering container with empty frontend rule /reverent_curran” time=“2018-05-04T15:05:34Z” level=debug msg=“Could not load traefik.frontend.whitelistSourceRange labels” time=“2018-05-04T15:05:34Z” level=debug msg=“Could not load traefik.frontend.auth.basic labels” time=“2018-05-04T15:05:34Z” level=debug msg=“Validation of load balancer method for backend backend-nginx1 failed: invalid load-balancing method ‘’. Using default method wrr.” time=“2018-05-04T15:05:34Z” level=debug msg=“Configuration received from provider docker: {“backends”:{“backend-nginx1”: {“servers”:{“server-reverent_sammet”:{“url”:“”,“weight”:0}},“loadBalancer”:{“method”:“wrr”}}},“frontends”: {“frontend-Host-test-pea-0”:{“entryPoints”:[“http”],“backend”:“backend-nginx1”,“routes”:{“route-frontend-Host-test-pea-0”:{“rule”:“Host:test.pea”}}, “passHostHeader”:true,“priority”:0,“basicAuth”:[]}}}” time=“2018-05-04T15:05:34Z” level=debug msg=“Creating frontend frontend-Host-test-pea-0” time=“2018-05-04T15:05:34Z” level=debug msg=“Wiring frontend frontend-Host-test-pea-0 to entryPoint http” time=“2018-05-04T15:05:34Z” level=debug msg=“Creating route route-frontend-Host-test-pea-0 Host:test.pea” time=“2018-05-04T15:05:34Z” level=debug msg=“Creating backend backend-nginx1” time=“2018-05-04T15:05:34Z” level=debug msg=“Creating load-balancer wrr” time=“2018-05-04T15:05:34Z” level=debug msg=“Creating server server-reverent_sammet at with weight 0” time=“2018-05-04T15:05:34Z” level=info msg=“Server configuration reloaded on :80” time=“2018-05-04T15:05:34Z” level=info msg=“Server configuration reloaded on :8080” ```
Everything is fine ! The Nginx container is well detected by Traefik.
- What’s about the API dashboard ?
Test !!
Of course, for this example, I have edited my /etc/hosts and added this line: test.pea
$ curl -I http://test.pea HTTP/1.1 200 OK Accept-Ranges: bytes Content-Length: 612 Content-Type: text/html Date: Fri, 04 May 2018 15:21:06 GMT Etag: “5acb8e45-264” Last-Modified: Mon, 09 Apr 2018 16:01:09 GMT Server: nginx/1.13.12 ```
After a couple of tests, go to the API dashboard and look at the *Health* section :
Now you know how to test traefik. It’s very powerfull. In the next posts, we will see more options : https, more matchers, restrictions, etc..
Stay tuned 😏